If, after the false news that Buenos Aires was not "Luxury Wines 2010", as was to be held only in the Pullman City Center Hotel. Luckily it was not. Luxury wine was cloned and was present in Rosario and Buenos Aires.
Entering the exhibition, we find the same thing every year: 2 holds overcrowded classrooms, the same style of posters and their location similar to the previous.
This time, I apologize to those who expect comments about white wines, since I could not resist my temptation, and began by direct dyes. I was surprised
Bianchi. Not only for the wines that we have already taken many times, but as amended by way of offering high-end wine Enzo Bianchi. Previously opened at a certain time and you had to remember to approach the stand "just in time" not to be late, fighting the crowd, so as not to miss it ... for two years if I was late. But this time, it was available for tasting throughout the day.
Then I went to meet the DA SILVINA Reserva Malbec 2006, Krontiras wineries. His body and oak aging, reached an excellent wine. Given the opportunity, do not hesitate to try it. Worthwhile.

In one sign read "ARGENTO" and not "Pepe" ... so I went there. Apart from the name that caught my attention, the highlight was that the wine has screw caps. To my surprise, this winery is in the local market only 3 months ago, but exports for years. I assumed that screw cap was only for young wines, which are taken fast, but "I said," that France has kept wines with screw cap ("micro-oxygenation" and where is ???). Discuss who know this.
Another thing I liked is that with exhibitors, mostly wine lovers and not married to a warehouse, you could think of other wines and hear recommendations from the "alleged competition."
Radio Hall suggested to not miss the wine Ricardo Santos Malbec 2008. Your label is not struck me, but I remembered the Ricardo Santos Semillon Wines & terroirs 2010 http://estasseguroquetegusta.blogspot.com/2010/05/vinos-terrunos-2010.html
and I approached to taste . For me it was the BEST BUY (excellent value for money) of the Expo.
Reaching the gourmet, PALADINI, without much surprise ... nothing on the table. Luckily, Stand next door was MAGNASCO , always offering their strange pairings welcome. For example, Sardo with whiskey. "If we put a quality cheese, we must accompany him with another quality product", the words of Augusto Agrónimo Albinati Engineer. If the pair is made with Johnny Walker Red Label Whisky!. And I learned much about how to make cheese and why the price ... but we will try to explain this in another post ..

A curiosity is that more than 20 years ago bought the brand Mastellone Magnasco and left filed. After 20 years returned the signature-free no-who sells these fine cheeses.
See you at the Sparkling Sparkling Nights "Fair" to be held on 11, 12 and 13 November at the Hotel Panamericano
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