superpandas Hello,
Have you seen and how many streetlights are there? Again, Kamaria has passed! I can not wait to get my bluff and see how beautiful is Panfu lit. Kamaria And surprise! The parade of San Martín is really an unforgettable day.
You should have seen Max when he was the surprise Kamaria. It was so fast that he was carrying two flashlights, led me directly to the first part of the parade. I could not even get to cuddle in bed!
The truth is that for me it was no surprise.
And you always so funny that you will not believe what we go again!
Max, totally obsessed, turned over every stone that was on the way to establish the theories of the surprise he had prepared Kamaria. Or on a treasure hunt of the lanterns, or in a concert of Smashing Pancakes ... never seen him so mad. Remains even left bread crumbs to follow the path!
Too ready for me, right? There is nothing that I resist
But She served very helpful. He kept repeating that something was following us and did not distance himself an inch of me ...
That something big steps were heard when I recognized a voice that was familiar. Most were sleeping and apart from the lanterns, there was no other light on. Trees and bushes were moving with the wind, it was so ghost movie! And suddenly the spare! Something huge and strange, like never seen before! At first he took a few steps forward and then those noises ... Tip tip tip ... and he approached, made my hair stand on end! Suddenly he remained standing there. I promise that we looked at that shadow! We were of stone. I had no value or look!
But what or who was that shadow? We tell you tomorrow. Now we have to recover. Or you become an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat can be?
Ojito the patch
She, Max and Чeikel
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