18 I attended last November GOURMET SHOW SAN JUAN, invited by House of San Juan Province. As I said on Facebook, all my senses were immersed in this land of incomparable beauty. Way to the event asked me: What I transmit sensations San Juan? When I think of this province, I imagine colorful mountains and desert floors ... but with thriving oasis .... and the truth that I was not wrong at all Thank Casa de San Juan for the invitation!. And Thanks Noelia (Gasset Area) for the recommendation.
event for me was a perfect marriage of a summer afternoon than most, in a courtyard guarding our nostalgia for the typical "Grandma", background music, lights, a fountain in the center, young men addressing the crowd who came to taste the sweet , olives and wine in the province, the warmth and friendliness of its people ... what else I can say. These pictures are worth more than words ... no invites them to relax .. and really enjoy taking the time to look at these photos .. Casa de San Juan:

If, in the middle of downtown, just imagine all sorts noise, people everywhere, madness Buenos Aires, etc., here are breathing harmony, tranquility, if you could even hear the birds chirping! Beautiful, no words.
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