In commemoration with the 25th of November: International Day of Action for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Why do you think that criminalizing abortion is violence against women?
thank interventions that enrich our struggle for legal abortion, safe and free.
The views were expressed as such, can be found at:
The November 25, 1960 the sisters Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa Mirabal Reyes, Santo Domingo were kidnapped by the dictatorship of Trujillo. The tortured, raped and murdered by their struggle against the regime. In 1981, at the first Feminist Encuentro Latinoamericano, held in Bogota, Colombia, was declared in honor of the sisters' Day of No Violence against Women.
Violence against women is expressed in different ways and in different fields, such as families and community. But there is also domestic violence against women perpetrated and / or condoned by the State or by state agents, for example when governments turn a blind eye and allow the violence to occur with impunity. The laws, public policies and practices discriminate against women prevailing making them vulnerable to violence. Sometimes lack of legal tools that guarantee the right to decide on our bodies.
In this sense it from the National Campaign for the Right to Abortion Legal, Safe and Free say, with everyone who expressed their opinion that abortion is also criminalize violence against women ...
is Violence!
- Because motherhood is forced violence, discrimination and slavery
- Because it's getting inside the body and life plan maternity someone to give it force. Although the sexual relationship may have been spoiled fertile and pleasant, the imposition of continuing an unintended pregnancy is a violation. And the penalty imposed on a conviction, punishable by a social stigma the decision to terminate a pregnancy, in addition to health risks and life imposed by the condition of secrecy. The criminalization of abortion to women expelled the status of autonomy and strengthens the duty of submission to heaven or social purposes of patriarchal domination.
- Because it is a form of real and symbolic violence of the same content as a violation because it impedes the exercise of free will and their own right. It is also the imposition of a mandate / will of others over their own bodies.
- Because forcing a woman or girl to become a mother against her will and go through pregnancy and childbirth is torture.
Prevent free
exercise the right to determine one's own body and life is violence!
- Because it violates the right of women to decide how many pregnancies and children want in your life.
- For every action to condemn, prevent or obstruct the right of women to decide their own body, is violence.
- For penalized the decision on his own body and life itself is deprived of his liberty.
- because it is considered incapable of deciding on their offspring. Forcing them to go through an unwanted pregnancy, or resorting to dangerous and illegal practices, failing.
- Because we infantilize, we relegate the role of subject dependent on other people / entities who decide for us (church, state, medical corporation, etc.).
- With pain and punishment, that is, violence, can not decide freely.
violate the dignity and to question the value of women as individuals is violence!
- Because it becomes an incubator, a reproductive rather than being a subject of their own accord. The reason for not admitting the Church is the prohibition of pleasure.
- For more than criminalizing abortion itself is socially and discipline penalizes women.
- Because it shows how little we care about women to the state that allows its illegality.
- because the state exists to protect us, attacks.
deny the right to health and life of women is violence!
- Because they are forced to risk his life in hiding from an illegal abortion.
- Because abortion is a practice which if carried out in poor conditions can lead to death women.
- The number of women dying from unsafe abortions.
- For though illegally, will be aborted, and many die.
- For all deaths from unsafe abortions can be avoided and the Argentine government should provide free and accessible to those who request abortions.
- Violent waiting, meanwhile.
- Because they are denied the constitutional right to health and access to medical care.
deepen inequalities and all Discrimination is violence!
- Because it is a crime that only women can commit. The Argentine state should not continue to hold tremendous legal inequality.
- For penalized abortion is discrimination.
- Because increases inequality conditions for a man and a woman in the world today, in which the latter always comes out of any situation more injured.
- For never incriminated the men accompanying their partners to have an abortion.
- Because it is condemning the most vulnerable social sectors.
- Because it is a reality that exists even understand muchxs resist.
- Because women are particularly affected are generally poor to pay the price with his life.
- Because the prices are unaffordable for many and is used to practice without conditions leading to deaths and sequelae.
- Because current law gives more value to the biological life of the fetus (an extension of her body could not develop without it) over the life of the pregnant woman, a life that is passing the world, which has created ties, which is not only biological but also subjectivity has been constructed.
Hold hypocritical values, be complicit in hiding and negotiate with the lives of women is violence!
- Because it is hypocritical to force a woman to sacrifice her life for the sake of life. And in a society and a culture that is violent and not governed according to political life but of death and war, patriarchy historically functional.
- Because it holds the mafia of doctors and all those who profit from illegal abortion. Abortion is not for profit. Abortion is not to kill. The abortion implies a very difficult decision but it is always a decision for life.
deny access to sex education and the prevention of unwanted pregnancies is violence!
- Because sex education is reduced to the mere distribution of a pill or a condom and sexuality education is not oriented to pleasure and family planning.
- Because there is no sex education to radically change Western and Christian values.
For all this DECRIMINALIZED / LEGALIZE abortion is to help build a more just society free of violence.
Picking the best traditions of struggle for defending the rights of women and girls, we call on all social and political organizations, women, men, transvestites, transgender people, also suffer when women and girls are victims of violence, who struggle to change unjust situations and vulnerability, to show solidarity and unite efforts to achieve ...
Sex Education to decide
Abortion Non-Contraceptive
Abortion legal, safe and free to die No
National Campaign for the Right to Legal Abortion Safe and Free
Argentina, 20 November 2010