Friday, July 6, 2007

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Throat Cancer

Internet Broadcasting Live

Tired of you displayed every 5 minutes
message "could be the victim of a forgery software "
(a star gray near windows clock). Then I let the instruicciones to remove!

IMPORTANT: The message" could be a victim of software counterfeiting "

-o equivalent, "I got caught with a pirate while intectabas windows update" - he often appears to people who have Microsoft Windows XP
not original or pirated

and have automatic updates enabled (or tried to upgrade online at any time.)

off automatic updates and obviously a good
antivirus firewall updated with the corresponding! While not affecting the operation, each time you start and / or turn off the pc you will see a pop up This is how I I got no problems!

First of all I recommend
create a file.txt

on the desktop with the instructions below and print ...

Restart in Safe Mode (Safe Mode) (*)
Delete WgaTray.exe and WgaLogon.dll file (**) that is in c: \\ Windows \\ System32

Delete WgaTray.exe and WgaLogon.dll file that is in c: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ dllcache (***)

Run regedit Go to the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify and delete folder "WgaLogon"
Now reboot normally and they should already have gone the message ... Then I deleted Finally, I deleted the wgatray.exe archvivo is in C: \\ WINDOWS \\ SoftwareDistribution \\ Download \\ b43eb622e2ac40492d25973db3a96c87

After this scare

, maybe you should go to Control Panel and disable Automatic Updates or purchase a license or switch to Linux, as it surely will happen again ...

2 and luck!


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