Thursday, August 12, 2010

How To Build A Wooden Hamper

CONFERENCE CALL Dr. Anibal Faúndes

The National Campaign for the Right to Abortion Legal, Safe and Free is pleased to invite Conference "Towards a new abortion legislation in Argentina" that be held next August 24 at 15 pm in the Auditorium of the House Deputies (Riobamba 25 - CABA).
This time it will feature Dr. Hannibal Faundes, Coordinator of the Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Rights Latin American Federation of Societies of Obstetrics (FLASOG), one of the leading specialists in the field in Latin America.
The objective of this activity is aimed to provide basics, especially from health issues in the pending debate in Congress over legislation to amend current restrictions and penalties for abortion in the country.

Sexual Education to decide
Contraceptives Abortion Non Legal Abortion Safe and Free to Die No

About Dr. Hannibal Faundes
was born in Chile where he studied and graduated as a physician at the University of Chile. In 1970 reached the level of Professor of Obstetrics in that seat of higher learning. He was coordinator of the Women's Health in his native country and program consultant maternal health and family planning in the Dominican Republic.
He served as Professor of Obstetrics at the State University of Campinas, Brazil, together with Prof. Joseph A. Pinotti created in 1977, the Center for Maternal and Child Research of Campinas (CEMI-camp), which he directed until 2003. Since 1996, organized annually in cooperation with several entities, inter Forum on Sexual Violence.
Internationally, he was chairman of the Appeals Committee for Research on Human Reproduction Programme of the World Health Organization (WHO), Vice Director of the International Council of Women's Health Coalition, New York, President of the Latin American Association of Researchers in Human Reproduction (ALIRH) and International Association for Maternal and Neonatal Health (IAMA-NEH). He is currently Coordinator of the Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Latin American Federation of Societies of Obstetrics (FLASOG) and Gynecology and of the Committee of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO).
Dr. Faundes published over 360 articles in scientific journals and edited several books highlighting the woman and their right to health in co-authored with Joseph A. Pinotti, and maternal death, a preventable tragedy, with Guilherme Cecatti.

Adhere: 1. ADC, Association for Civil Rights
2. Adriana Benvenuto Area Health Chief Bahia Blanca
3. Argentina Association of Sexology and Sexual Education; AASES subsidiary Cordoba Argentina: MP seeks treatment for legislation for women who for various reasons require it to terminate their pregnancies safely and free recognizing that the main cause of maternal death is the abortion at risk.
4. Commonwealth Human Rights Chair -Facultad de Medicina - UBA Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
5. Meat cycle Argentina - GROUP diffusion literature Buenos Aires / Argentina
6. School of Social Work, UNR Argentina
7. FOCUS - Citizen Forum of Participation for Justice and Human Rights, Buenos Aires. Argentina
8. Front Movement and Gender Diversity Project South
Argentina 9. Lay freedoms, Argentina
10. Latin American professionals / as Abuse Power ddhh defense
11. ALAMES Drug Network (Latin American Social Medicine)
12. Federal Network of Professionals for Sexual and Reproductive Rights
13. Latin American Network of Catholics for a Free Choice Red Latinoamericana
14. Area Chief Social lommi Silvia Argentina