9.30 to 19hs
Belgrano Salon
Honorable Senate of the Nation Argentina (H. Yrigoyen 1708, 4 º Piso - Edificio A. Palacios of the Upper House - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires)
Organized by the National Campaign for the Right to Abortion Legal, Safe and Free in commemoration of September 28, Day by Abortion Rights of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which since 1990 is part of the struggle of Latin American women's movement towards sexual and reproductive rights, indivisible part of the fabric of their human rights.
The goal is to further the debate to get the Bill introduced Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy by the Campaign, with the signing of 47 deputies from different political blocs as, begin to be treated and be punished in Congress.
society is debating what is now the turn of our legislators and legislators accountable for legislation to solve this problem of public health, social justice and recognition of women's citizenship. Program:
Master of ceremony: Liliana Hendel
9.30 am. Accreditation
- Welcome by members of the National Campaign
- Opening Literature by Market Tununa
writer From 10.30 to 12.30.
Panel 1. Parliamentary process to legalize abortion rights, the situation in Argentina
• Elvira Corts, Delegate of the Basque Government in Argentina
• Deputies / I signed the project, belonging to different blocks. Confirmed their presence: Horacio Alcuaz (GEN), Marcela Rodríguez (CC), Diana Conti (FPV). Cecilia Mercado (P. Southern), Mary L. Storani (UCR), Miguel Barrios (PS), Adela Segarra (FPV) and Adriana Garcia (PF) Lunch Break
14 to 16.30 pm
Panel 2: The criminalization of abortion as a form of violation of the rights of women
• Rita Segato, anthropologist, based in Brazil, Argentina
• Cristina Grela, medical, feminist. Health Ministry official Uruguay • Nelly Minyersky Break from 16.30 to 17 hs-brown
17 to 19 hours.
Panel 3. abortion: ethical, legal and political
• Piedad Cordoba, a senator in Colombia. Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.
• Victor Abramovich, Dr. Law, a specialist in human rights. (Free admission)
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