Sunday, September 26, 2010

Templates Para Offroad

Think you can and feel you want and you can ...

"The world is in the hands of those who have the courage to dream, to run the risk of living your dreams, and those who do not surrender at the first attempt. Luck is built, changing the circumstances, and creating opportunities. Each new attempt is a new learning, which enables you ever closer to your dream "

MariCruz Gomar Domínguez

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Future Telling Device South Park How To Make


9.30 to 19hs
Belgrano Salon
Honorable Senate of the Nation Argentina
(H. Yrigoyen 1708, 4 º Piso - Edificio A. Palacios of the Upper House - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires)
Organized by the National Campaign for the Right to Abortion Legal, Safe and Free in commemoration of September 28, Day by Abortion Rights of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which since 1990 is part of the struggle of Latin American women's movement towards sexual and reproductive rights, indivisible part of the fabric of their human rights.
The goal is to further the debate to get the Bill introduced Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy by the Campaign, with the signing of 47 deputies from different political blocs as, begin to be treated and be punished in Congress.
society is debating what is now the turn of our legislators and legislators accountable for legislation to solve this problem of public health, social justice and recognition of women's citizenship.

Master of ceremony: Liliana Hendel
9.30 am. Accreditation
- Welcome by members of the National Campaign
- Opening Literature by Market Tununa
From 10.30 to 12.30.
Panel 1. Parliamentary process to legalize abortion rights, the situation in Argentina
• Elvira Corts, Delegate of the Basque Government in Argentina
• Deputies / I signed the project, belonging to different blocks. Confirmed their presence: Horacio Alcuaz (GEN), Marcela Rodríguez (CC), Diana Conti (FPV). Cecilia Mercado (P. Southern), Mary L. Storani (UCR), Miguel Barrios (PS), Adela Segarra (FPV) and Adriana Garcia (PF)
Lunch Break
14 to 16.30 pm
Panel 2: The criminalization of abortion as a form of violation of the rights of women
• Rita Segato, anthropologist, based in Brazil, Argentina
• Cristina Grela, medical, feminist. Health Ministry official Uruguay • Nelly Minyersky
Lawyer, activist women's rights.
• Mario Sebastiani. Gynecologist and obstetrician, a specialist in bioethics.
• Martha Rosenberg. Psychoanalyst, feminist activist.
• Mariana Carbajal. Journalist
Break from 16.30 to 17 hs-brown
17 to 19 hours.
Panel 3. abortion: ethical, legal and political
• Piedad Cordoba, a senator in Colombia. Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.
• Victor Abramovich, Dr. Law, a specialist in human rights.
• Álvaro Herrero, President of the Association for Civil Rights
• Claudio Morgado, President of INADI
• Lohana Berkins, President of ALITT
(Free admission)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Noiseless Mixie Grinder

"Criminalizing abortion is not effective in reducing the incidence and socially unjust. Punishes the most vulnerable "

So said Dr. Hannibal Faúndes Chilean gynecologist and obstetrician, of international relevance in the design and implementation of programs for women's health, family planning and human reproduction.
to a packed auditorium at the crossroads, legislators, health professionals, researchers, activists, media and general public, Faúndes explained why it is imperative to have legislation that punishes the practice of medicine and order the underground. "In fact, he said, the existing restriction has not served to reduce the number of illegal abortions and consequential damages the health of women." To endorse this statement compared the rate of abortions per thousand women of childbearing age in countries that do allow such as the Netherlands (6.5), Belgium (6.8) and Germany (7.6), against three restrictive conditions in Latin America, Colombia (36.3), Venezuela (40.8) and Chile (50). exemplified the situation also lived in Eastern Europe. Prior to 1988, tells Faúndes, the rate of abortions in Russia, Romania and Vietnam was chilling. 68.4, 78 and 83, respectively. "It was easier in those countries have an abortion, to get a contraceptive. The situation changed, dramatically, in the next 10 years, which provided access to contraceptive methods. A growth of 78% of their use, found a decrease of 53% in the number of abortions. "

The penalty also has two negative consequences to consider that are directly related and mark the level of social injustice that adds much of the population. "I only have access to safe medical practices, those women who can afford them. Thus, low-income women have at their disposal no contraceptive methods, and exposed to risky treatments of abortion. If abortion was legal dramatically reduce serious damage and deaths frequently arise from this situation, and could be advise not to repeat the situation. " Faúndes plotted this with numbers. While in Latin America and Africa, unsafe abortion rate is 29 per 1000 fertile women in Eastern Europe, where it is not convict, is 6 and in Asia, 11. "This determines that induced abortion must be addressed as a public health problem. Between 13 and 30% of maternal deaths in Latin America, are caused by unsafe abortions. "

Faúndes explained that many times women get pregnant for reasons they can not handle. "Rape, contraception failure, disinformation, financial reasons, etc. And while they are penalized, prosecuted and even sent to prison for the termination of pregnancies, men necessarily involved, no punishment in most cases not exposed to health risk situations, or are excommunicated. "

If so evident that criminalization is not effective in reducing the number of abortions and, in turn, is unfair because it causes serious injury to the most vulnerable, why is it so difficult to change the law, Faúndes wonders. There are those who claim moral and philosophical reasons. And those who believe that legalizing it would increase the number of abortions. "In France, which legalized in 1975, the number dropped more than 30% in 20 years. In Italy the decline was 50% over the same period. " The conclusion, then, is closely related to the lack political power of the poorest women. "If men were those who abort, in this patriarchal society, the dispute had been resolved long ago. Today a man can have an abortion with the phrase "not mine", that is enough. Those who have power to change the situation, do not suffer the consequences of not doing it. "

From the National Campaign for the Right to Abortion Legal, Safe and Free, which represents nearly 300 NGOs from around the country, held at the conclusion of the event that "For all women, legalized abortion is a state of justice and equality, but for some, it is a matter of life or death. "

Q & Dr. Hannibal Faúndes concerns of the attendees said:

Do not you think that restrictive legislation is a mechanism for controlling women's sexuality? I remember my colleague Jose Barzelatto, with whom he wrote the book "The drama of abortion," which stated that the criminalization of abortion primarily aimed at controlling women's sexuality rather than to protect the life of the fetus.

Is it correct that the Draft Law on Pregnancy Termination set the limit for abortion at 12 weeks gestation? Any limit is arbitrary, but up to 12 weeks is scientifically proven that there is neural activity in the fetus. Likewise, until that time the risk for women is much lower.

Should we allow the practice after that period? It should be possible at any gestational age. There are situations where it exceeds the period of 12 weeks. Sexual abuse against children and children who are slow to recognize and declare. Justice interventions that extend the definitions. Health risks to mothers and malformations incompatible with life, subsequently detected. Are contingencies that should be addressed.

What about the medical abortion? Misoprostol, the drug used in these cases, vaginal tablets, has meant a positive revolution in the care of the issue. In 2009, in Uruguay, there was no maternal death from abortion through the use of this drug. Increase access to safe abortion. There is almost no documented risks if used through week 12 and may be so at home. Baja, dramatically, the costs of the health system and solve the problem that even many physicians express conscientious objection. The same patient is placed these pills.

Do you agree with emergency contraception? Absolutely. It is a tool to avoid unwanted pregnancy and lowering the number of abortions and their risks. But they are not a panacea, nor recommended for frequent use. Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and abuse leads to complications in the menstrual cycle.

What is the relationship between care costs of an abortion in the health system and the complications of unsafe illegal abortion? The difference is 1 to 100.

grateful for the publication of this information

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