This is a Japanese guide on how to bathe properly . I personally, I open the faucet and run water, soap by Here, soap there, shampoo "Just in Time". In Japan know the correct way to shower is very important because that differs from the western form. Baths are taken in public restrooms gralmente (Sentou) or in hot springs (onsen). Ofcourse there are apartments with their own baths, but the procedure is the same everywhere.
Part 1: tools for bathing!
First of all, there is a list of things you need to have to go to the bathroom instead.
Bath slippers
Two towels, one large and one girl
Some bathhouses provide these things in the rent free will is always best to take things one.
Part 2: Preparing for a proper bath! Using a wooden or plastic bowl, dip your water body.
After this pleasant cleaning (you can repeat as many times as you want) you should not take more than 10 minutes, make sure it was no soap or dirt anywhere. After this, you must wash small towel and get closer to one of the pools. You have to be absolutely sure you're clean. For safety, you should repeat a few times cleaning
- Part 3: Finally, the bathroom!!
- If you got to this point, aquo where you enter the bath. Be careful because they are so hot! Also remember not to go with the small towel into the water. It should stay out of the pool, close to you or on your head, but NEVER IN WATER!
- Stay in the water, dive and enjoy the time needed. We all deserve it! jajaj .... A tip, this entire process should do so quietly, as the "volume" is considered rude, unless you're alone with your friends.
- There are usually several pools from which you can change may also have saunas, but always have an extra cost (to be paid in advance at the entrance of Sentou).
- pools usually can be hot, hotter or REALLY HOT! You can also find them cold or very cold! Juas! If you do not like the pools closed, there might be an outdoor pool rotenburou call, which is both refreshing and cold.
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