3000 women killed by unsafe clandestine abortions in democracy:
in Argentina is estimated that between 460 thousand and 600 thousand women resort to clandestine abortion each year. High figure shows that the penalty does not prevent its practice. The reality of illegal abortion insists, is here functioning in our everyday settings, because women in contempt (and will continue to be) the law and the mandate of the Catholic Church prevents them from abortion. In this historical context, the fight is for recognition of a right personal. It is not the first time that women are denied rights, in another historical moment is called into question the possibility that a woman choosing policies at the polls. The voices of the past will enable the question: when is time for women to fully exert our individual rights? Choose as subject responsible and sovereign is an act prior to the granting of citizenship. No laws can be against the will of those who choose to abort. Yes there are social injustices.
This situation generates a highly profitable business. According to research conducted by a team of journalists from Radio Nacional, abortion in our country involves billions of dollars annually ***. Abysmally figure is far from the 35 million that was-in 2009 - the National Sexual Health and Responsible Parenthood.
die every year in Argentina according to official figures 100 women per practice of clandestine and unsafe abortions, although medical research report of a sub-registration in the register of deaths per pregnancy (maternal mortality). On the one obvious, recurring reason, are always poor and young women. Abortion is the leading cause of death for pregnant women (1). Since the return to democracy, official statistics show that the leading cause of death in pregnant women is abortion illegal, that means that in almost thirty years of uninterrupted democracy this figure has not changed. Therefore, there has been no government through public policies consistent and systematic repair and end in a historical and compelling absurd to many deaths, preventable deaths. They are women who are denied a paramount human right: the right to exist, to be and not just to play. Have no access to "social justice" and called "equal opportunity plans."
The scandal emerged from the irresponsible comings and goings from the Minister of Health, Juan Manzur, about whether or not the firm raised to the rank of Ministerial Resolution Technical Guide for the Care Abortions for non-punishable reinstalled the urgent need to discuss the decriminalization and legalization of abortion, not just stay with the requirement of the application of Article 86 of the Penal Code, code that has 89 years of existence (although often referred to the grounds there are still judicialized unnecessarily). Numerous surveys were generated from different media, national and provincial broadly developments there are detected and the favorable opinions by important segments of society in relation to the recognition of this right. And we read these results in line with the cultural battles that in these times we have been winning fundamentalism and conservatism, such as the enactment of the equal marriage law.
The consultancy polled across the country to assess the views of and Argentina on the issue of abortion and its legalization. The data collected argue that: almost 60% of Argentines agree not to penalize a woman who had an abortion. In the metropolitan area this percentage reaches 70% of respondents and the inner call that figure rises to 49, 9%. In addition, 58.5% believed that women have the right to terminate her pregnancy according to their needs and personal convictions (2).
is the responsibility of state and governments to protect life of citizens and the citizens. Maintaining the illegality of abortion is condemning women to the circuit millionaire abortion and also death. This country and this democracy has a huge debt to the rights of women, in particular the right to decide on our bodies. We have witnessed with satisfaction these days the rules of the National Law 26,485 to protect, punish and eradicate violence against women. Law is also the result of sustained work of women's groups and activists in and from different areas, build its potential existence. But we must note that recent statements by the executive branch of the Nation, in figure of President Cristina Fernandez, on the refusal to legalize abortion, we are concerned and alert. In public policy very personal definitions can not be above a human right and women's citizenship, it is necessary that the government listens to the silent and deafening noise paradoxically those half-million women who aborted every year in this country; the claim that more than 5 years we carry out from the National Campaign for Abortion Legal, Safe and Free campaign that brings together 289 social, political, labor, human rights, listen to the 50 deputies (from different blocks) that have already signed our Draft Law on voluntary interruption of pregnancy presented at the Congress of the Nation and we intend to be discussed and approved at the bicentennial year.
urgently resolve the serious public health problem that means the illegality of abortion, which is a huge internal debt deepening social inequalities, and also a form of violence against women and their rights. Full respect for human rights means condemning the genocide of yesterday, because it is part of a struggle in which we are fully committed, such as ensuring the full right of women to decide over their bodies. We find it extremely ironic that in this climate definitions of social and political debate as much poverty has strong argumentative subject reduced or even personal positions in relation to a matter as important as abortion is legal (3).
There is no democracy there will be substantive, while the right to decide on our bodies, is violated by a state unable to make progress in defining secular public policy.
private beliefs of those who govern and legislate in the country, are not applicable to all citizens.
The right of women to decide over their bodies and their lives independently and responsible, and to access the possibility of induced abortions in legal, safe and free, is part of the desire for a dignified and fulfilling life for women, a life that should not be threatened but guaranteed by the State, its officers and officials, protected and promoted by a physician @ s judges, workers s health, judiciary, education, etc.
insist on a premise that we checked with each new story of women who abort, abort any woman happily laws to decriminalize and legalize abortion does not encourage the practice.
who claimed abortion legal, safe and free we start with a comprehensive consideration: sex education to decide, contraceptives to avoid abortion, legal abortion does not intend to die because public policies and programs that respond to all situations involving sexual and reproductive rights.
Those who deny the right to legal abortion do nothing to promote underground, pronounced a death vote for the most impoverished and denied full citizenship status for women. Our society has demonstrated ability and maturity to face the challenge of discussing and approving a law that guarantees this practice in public hospitals, safely and Free. To be seen whether and representatives in the National Congress and decision makers in this country are up to this historic claim and to extend to all women the rights we give to some the more affluent.
Argentina is the first country in Latin America that adopted the equal marriage, which currently conducts trials and sent to the common jail of the military dictatorship, who seeks the truth about the sons and daughters missing missing and misappropriated. It is time also willing to be among those who recognize the basic right of women to decide about their bodies, first territory for the exercise of sovereignty. It's time to be the country where the president, governors and legislators and democracy are willing to human rights address the particular needs of the human.
1. The immediate sanction of a law to decriminalize and legalize abortion in Argentina.
2. Effective implementation, no prosecutions, Article 86, Penal Code.
3. The realization of a ministerial resolution to ensure the performance of abortions according to the Guide to Care Abortions not punishable in health services.
4. The full force and implementation of the National Comprehensive Sexuality Education (Law 26,150) and programs of sexual and reproductive health with adequate budgets.
National Campaign for the Right to Abortion Legal, Safe and Free Argentina,
July 26, 2010
*** National Radio Research is based on the "Second Report on the care of the line 'Abortion: More Information, Less Risk'" presented by Lesbians and Feminists for Decriminalization of Abortion Filed November 26, 2009 in the Auditorium Hall of the Senate of the Nation .
1. According to the Ministry of Health in 2008, killed 40 women per 100,000 live births due to causes related to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. In double what was recorded in the same period in countries like Chile and Uruguay, which had levels of 19.8 x 15 x 100,000 lb and 100,000 lb, respectively. In the period from 2004 to 2008 the leading cause of death maternal pregnancies ended in abortion (26.7%) (OSSyR, April 2010). For more information see Fact Sheet No. 1 Observatory Sexual and Reproductive Health, available at:
2. "The decriminalization of abortion in Argentina", Ibarómetro, Press report, July 2010. Site:
3. Even in the progress report of the Review of compliance with covenants on Civil and Political Rights of Argentina under Article 40 (UN, New York, March 2010), although the committee welcomed a number of developments in the country field Human Rights, Article 13 says. "13 The Committee expresses its concern about restrictive abortion law in Article 86 of the Penal Code and by the inconsistent interpretation by the courts of the causes of criminality is not contained in that article. (Articles 3 and 6 of the Covenant) "and for this reason that" The State party should amend its legislation so that it actually help women avoid unwanted pregnancies and that they do not have to resort to illegal abortions that could endanger their lives. The State should also adopt measures for the training of judges and health personnel on the scope of Article 86 of the Penal Code. " (Report available in Law Library).