Safe Harbor web sites Safe Harbor Museum
Title: The websites of the Safe Harbor Museum
Name: Javier
Perals Comment: I recently completed a course to learn how to make blogs and wikis, which are somewhat similar to web pages but second generation. This is not to say they are better or make it more difficult to do, in contrast, are very simple and does not require large computer skills. They also offer many free spaces with a good load capacity.
ethnological museum in relation to Safe Harbor, at the moment, if I remember correctly, there are created three blogs and a wiki. The blog is like a diary in which the first thing you see is the last entry has gone, then the second last and so on, meaning that it creates an archive in order recent. The wiki is composed of pages that can be linked to each other and lets you enter information and keep it tidy as you like.
You can put links to join a blog with another player or a wiki, so that everything can be connected to each other. L @ \u200b\u200bs To understand this is a very simple explanation, and for neophytes to better'm rolling over.
The purpose of this post is to announce the web framework that I am making on the museum and give hope to know soon if they have a minimum content that can be considered sufficient. Kind regards Javier.